Options To Get Help For Housing
There are a number of programs that offer help for getting housing assistance but it is a severely strapped system and soaring costs in California are adding stress to the system. Remember that you must be patient and persistent when pursuing any type of aid.
Homeless Provider Network
The goal of the Homeless Provider Network (HPN) is to advocate for the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless residing in the County of San Bernardino. The HPN provides a forum and environment where collaborative public and private programs can work to improve the current delivery of services and fill identified gaps in services to the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in the County of San Bernardino. Interested members from the public and private sectors are encouraged to join the HPN. Please complete the HPN Registration Form below and submit it to homelessrfp@hss.sbcounty.gov.
Members of the HPN use innovative strategies and a wide range of expertise to address and prevent homelessness. The HPN meets on a monthly basis and includes partners from the following:
- Public, private, and non-profit service providers
- Community and faith-based organizations
- Housing organizations serving County of San Bernardino residents
Emergency Solutions Grant
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program is funded through the Homeless Emergency and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009 and is designed to be the first step in a continuum of assistance to prevent homelessness and enable homeless individuals and families to move toward independent living.
The goal of the program is to eliminate homelessness in general and provides funds to shelter homeless individuals and prevent homelessness among families and individuals.
The Program is administered by community-based organizations located throughout the County and provides funding to:
- Engage homeless individuals and families living on the street;
- Improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families;
- Help operate these shelters;
- Provide essential services to shelter residents;
- Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families; and
- Prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless
Eligibility and assistance are provided through seven different agencies under contract with the County:
ESG Service Providers Contact List
For access to service providers not funded directly through the County, dial 211 for a homeless assistance operator, or visit the following website:
The ESG Program works in collaboration with the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership and the Veterans Administration VASH Program offered through the San Bernardino County Housing Authority.
For Information on these programs please visit the following websites:
San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership
Veterans Affairs Loma Linda Homeless Veterans
(909) 825-7084 ext 6085 or 6071
(800) 741-8387 ext 6085 or 6071