Finding Free Books & Textbooks
Money is can be a substantial barrier to continuing education, and books can contribute heavily to that burden. However, there are some places where you can access free textbooks online and free books that may be included in college courses as accessory reading (for things like English Literature, History, and Philosophy). They are called Open Educational Resources, or OERs. These are listed below in alphabetical order.
- American Institute of Mathematics
- Audio Book Bay [ABB] (audiobooks only)
- BC Campus OpenEd
- Bookboon
- CA Open Library For Education
- Community College Consortium for OERs
- Ebookee
- Free Textbooks
- Get FreeEBooks
- Google Scholar
- IntechOpen
- Internet Archive (eBooks only)
- Library Genesis
- LibriVox (audiobooks only)
- Many Books
- OER Commons
- Online Mathematics Textbooks
- Online Self Education (registration required)
- Open Culture
- OpenStax
- Open Textbook Library
- PDF Grab
- Project Gutenberg
- Saylor Academy
- ScholarWorks at GVSU
- Textbook Revolution
- Wikibooks